Saturday, December 11, 2010

High hopes; Low expectations

Here's a funny story.

Yesterday I answered my company phone and it was a man who said "I have a package here that FedEx delivered and it has this phone # on it." I said, "Does it not say who sent it? I didn't send it but this is a business phone. Does it say Galveston Area Builders?" He said yes. I said "OK, maybe one of the guys sent it. Are you in the building industry?" He said No. I said "what's in it, a gift?" He said "I don't know, it's not to me."

I said, "OH... who's it to?" He said "Beatrice Wilson at Galveston Area Builders!" I said, "OH... that's ME!"
" OK", he said. "Should I call fed ex to come get it. I can give them your address if you give it to me or I can meet you somewhere to give it to you."

 We went on with this conversation for another 3 - 5 minutes and I kept thanking him. He just kept saying, "well sure -- of course." I said to him at one point, "thank you so much. Some people would just have kept it." He said, "well, that just wouldn't be right." I thanked him a couple more times before hanging up the phone and when I hung up the phone I couldn't help realize how grateful I was JUST for someone having done the right thing.
With all that goes on in our society on a day to day basis, good and bad, I wondered when it was that we began to expect so little from people. When did we decide to just settle into having high hopes but low expectations of others. Do these low expectations contribute to the lack of understanding as to what American exceptionalism really is? Is that why so many of our youth don't understand what American exceptionalism is?
Perhaps if we start raising our expectations of one another again, we might find that hope is more often met on a higher level as well.  Just a thought from Bea to you. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Feeding the Monster: The strength comes from you

So, today I got this posted on my fb wall and I had to share here:

Really?  That's a shame because people  -- yes, even American patriots -- seem to refuse to be willing to 'do without' what they LIKE to make this necessary change that could possibly redirect the American economy.   How do I know?  Let's look at the viewing stats (actions) of this un-fun video, shall we?

These are the stats shared on YouTube for this video. The red, is my comments.

Total Views: 1,032,512  WOW, right?

Ratings: 543 Comments: 1,282Favorites: 222  Sure, OK.
Likes: 470
Dislikes: 73
ONLY 543 (out of over a million views) people thought this was worth rating. hmmm... alright. 
Sep 03, 2009First view from a mobile device5,596
Aug 10, 2008First embedded on - www.walmartmovie.com102,362
Aug 10, 2008First embedded on - freedocumentaries.org5,756
Aug 10, 2008First embedded on - www.freedocumentaries.org4,421
Mar 29, 2008First referral from related video - Wal-Mart: The Real Story4,647
Unavailable*First embedded view358,917
Unavailable*First referral from YouTube search - walmart14,255
Unavailable*First referral from - www.walmartmovie.com8,272
Unavailable*First referral from YouTube search - wal mart5,676
Unavailable*First referral from YouTube search - wal-mart3,651
*Exact date is not available. The count of views from this link only includes views since 30 November 2007.
This video is most popular in: WHERE IS IT MOST POPULAR??

This video is most popular with:
Honors for this video (0)
(There are no honors for this video.)

When I got this on my fb page I thought, "I will share this and one of the first comments (I bet) will show up is "everything is made in China somewhere down the assembly line." and that is the attitude.  Or "you give up your laptop and I'll think about giving up mine." "  Happens every time I post something about Made In USA.

I have switched my make up. I switched shampoo/creme rinse, I don't shop Kohl's anymore because I couldn't find ONE single garment that was made in the USA. But I pointed it out to someone shopping beside me who said... "that's just the way it is."  And electronics... where do you get made in America electronics?
Little by little we have handed our power to China and we didn't even see it.  We are a weakened 'structure' and our 'weight-bearing' walls have become brittle and rotted. But if we really want to turn it around -- WE HAVE the education, WE HAVE the ability, WE HAVE the unity and WE HAVE the numbers to re-enforce this country's production ... but it will take something new.

                                                  It will take something outrageous.

                                                        It will take something BOLD... it will take.... dare I say it...              

                                            IMMEDIATE ACTION!!

We can continue to feed the monster that rages before us getting more and more powerful as they eat away at what substance our nation has left, or we can choose to begin to act like the entrepreneurs that originally built this nation.   We can choose to come together utilizing our talents, incomes, and determination to enforce our own nation. This is America and we do have a choice.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sheryl Crow is 'RIGHT'?

Something about those who see themselves as "famous". We seem to intertwine our joy with theirs, our guilt with their guilt, our woes with their sad songs, and our anger with their words. But what we forget is that we are the reason they have what they have. They don't know you and you've never visited their homes, but you are feeding their fame with every purchase you make and every word that you speak of them. It's word of mouth celebrity. Many who have done nothing at all of any significance have managed to be famous for just being 'wealthy', having done nothing at all to gain that wealth!
This morning I friended a new person on my facebook page and one of the articles I saw on that page was titled,
Sheryl Crow Song Bashes Sarah Palin: ‘Someone Unplug her Microphone!’

I was not moved to scream or protest or even make a

Monday, March 8, 2010

Heart and 'Soul'

It’s a story not heard in the news but a story that should be told - the tremendous amount of good being done in Iraq by our American heroes who often come home in bags for their caring and commitment to our country and our culture. Those who come home as survivors carry their own burdens that you and I might never know (God willing) or understand… unless we read Elizabeth Kilbride’s book, Soul of American Warriors: A Writer’s Journey Comes Full Circle.

Author, Elizabeth Kilbride was raised in a loving military family and currently lives in DC. When offered the unique opportunity to go to Iraq as a citizen journalist - no boot camp, no military

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is it fair to say people just don't care? Is it wrong to be angry about the shouting of folks who say they want change but clearly cannot vote for it? Is this a sign of things to come - this tragic the picture of how it has always been?

For the past 3 weeks the citizens of Texas, many thousands of which are tea party and/or 9/12 members, had the opportunity to make changes. We had a chance to make a difference, to elect a new leader, to make a stand. We were strongly positioned to show our power by insisting on a fresh vision, loyalty to the people, unpretentious character and constitution-based determination. I watched the numbers and saw the posts on facebook. I popped in and out from one candidate's fan page to the other to the other and like watching POTUS read back and forth from his teleprompters, was exhausted just from the movement. I was stunned and excited by the numbers released for voting in Texas. I heard somewhere that this election brought more people to vote than the 2008 presidential election.

In the past 12 months I have attended probably as many protests. I have seen people screaming, clambering and rallying for change right here in Texas. What a surprise to find that when it came right down to it.... The sheeple have spoken - the change rejected - the state sacrificed for another 2 years.
Texas is now supported by 30+% of federal dollars and $19 Billion in the red. But he presents himself well to those who just met him on the campaign trail, he ingratiated himself well with Tea Party groups, and he has great hair. Hey... Let's keep him! =-)

Wonder what it costs to live in VA?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why Scott Brown Won

In America, we have a number of congress people who are millionaires, we have a president who is a millionaire, we have a federal reserve bank that just boasted $46.1 billion in profits. At our beautiful and luxurious White House, extravagant and stylish dinner parties are hosted many times a month to enjoy and congratulate one another for accomplishments.  One can easily see why, from these heights of the economic pendulum, our Government

Women Making a Difference

Sitting in my bed reading a book I am now compelled to put down, I must write.  This one thing, articulating with words, I can do in an effort to offer a perspective that perhaps you have not already thought yet.  Or perhaps my musings will make you sit up and act. Perhaps something that flows from me will make you realize we are not in this battle alone, and if you are not in this battle, you may be missing some of the most amazing people you might ever meet in your life!
In my journey I have met some incredible women I would not have met had I not made the conscious choice to see this thing through, come government hellfire or flooding from high-waters of