When I asked my husband today, "what shall I write about?" his response, true to nature, was "being broke." My husband is a pessimist and therefore my polar opposite and perfect match.
Still, I've drawn a blank for weeks and have learned that God speaks through my hubby, so I will tackle the subject with prayerful heart and an admittedly reluctant mind.
The Bible states that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil:
1 Timothy 6:10 'For the love of money is a root of all [kinds of] evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.'
With that in mind I can't help wonder, what is the opposite root? The love of "being broke"?
Let's give it some thought...
America is a country built through Divine Providence; that is to say, we are built on the answered prayers, exercised fasting, sincere supplication and open hearts of the founders who went to our Creator daily in their fight to bring America to the people. In the writing of the U.S. Constitution there was an honest effort to gain
freedoms of fairness, strength, opinion, religious choice and societal substance for all Americans. It is clear to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, that this commitment was brought to fruition by the hand of Almighty God Himself, through a small number of chosen and faithful. Now these men, though not lacking of personal effects and monetary security themselves, were willing to and did give their all for this accomplishment, and the standard was set.
Today in America we have far exceeded the reach of our founding fathers and raised the level of greed to greater heights than any of them would have imagined. From this distance (where I live) I can see clearly that the commitment to earning a 'comfortable' living can easily lead to the lust for power that comes from having such a comfort. Suddenly the integrity of the dollar seems to far outweigh the integrity of one's own principles and one finds corruption all around to be an all too familiar part of the general comfort-level. The lust for this comfort, this greed, this power... is shown in the company one keeps and the hands that one shakes and until you find yourself unhappy, unsatisfied and unsuccessful. You see there is no ceiling to reach. The lives one may destroy on the way up are limitless and in reality, there is no way to get to the top. The love of money has consumed you and with each new moment it could all be taken away without a whisper or any warning. There is no real security, there is no real control, there is no real joy to be had in this love-fest.
BUT.... from here, From where I sit ... I consider the one act that cheered my day and gave me great elation. You see, I have lost my job and have just been informed that my life is now on a paycheck to paycheck schedule again. This is a situation we haven't been in for some 15 years.
Today as I was low and depressed, considering the prospective jobs I found on the internet sites, I walked outside into my back yard for a breath of air, perspective and freedom. I looked around and found that the ginger was still blooming, but slowing to a crawl. The Mexican Petunia which have taken over my back garden was in full bloom regardless of my many efforts to uproot and destroy it. The century plant, with naked stalks and no leaves had bloomed the most beautiful flowers for the last time of the season and I was drawn to prepare them for my house. I cut and trimmed and breathed in the glory of God's creations. I pampered and petted and fussed and arranged to make sure that His work was shown as the miraculous daily blessing that it is surely meant to be. For these are the treasures, I thought. These are the gifts that bring true joy and promise and hope. They teach that all things in season can be used to brighten, to lift, to improve and to open eyes and circumstances.
So, Perhaps the root of all kinds of good, the OPPOSITE root, digs in and draws strength where there is a lack of material possessions, societal status and heir. Perhaps it comes from such things that money cannot buy - your soul, your honor, your beliefs and God. At least for me yesterday, God's words came to life in my home once again.
Matthew 6:20 But 21. lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt , and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is , there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
May we all enjoy the things we have earned but only as decoration. May we see them for the temporary things that they are and may we lay hold of what is good (love) and righteous (Scripture) and holy (God) to build our foundation of faith and hope and joy on these very infallible gifts. May we be the very ground that the opposite root thrives in.
This is the Truth Bea Told. An honest account of the thoughts that go through my head in a disorderly array, story-lined here in an attempt to make some sense of this national disaster. We hear it referred to as Obama-nation, Democrap Dictatorship run by Left-wing Lunatics and/or Aggressives. While my thoughts are still allowed, I'm chronicling them as best I can in search of a foundation of American-Culture and that much needed common sense. Feel free to speak your mind as well.
Beautiful words. Staying grounded in God is all that really matters! Only good comes from God. I pray that more people would realize that!