Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sheryl Crow is 'RIGHT'?

Something about those who see themselves as "famous". We seem to intertwine our joy with theirs, our guilt with their guilt, our woes with their sad songs, and our anger with their words. But what we forget is that we are the reason they have what they have. They don't know you and you've never visited their homes, but you are feeding their fame with every purchase you make and every word that you speak of them. It's word of mouth celebrity. Many who have done nothing at all of any significance have managed to be famous for just being 'wealthy', having done nothing at all to gain that wealth!
This morning I friended a new person on my facebook page and one of the articles I saw on that page was titled,
Sheryl Crow Song Bashes Sarah Palin: ‘Someone Unplug her Microphone!’

I was not moved to scream or protest or even make a comment against this article itself. In my opinion, Sarah Palin is, and has proven time and again to be, strong enough to endure and rise above the sticks and stones antics of the left. I was, however, rather irritated by the comments that followed. What bothered me most was my own presumption that these were probably so called "conservative republicans". So I looked them up. Two of three of them listed no political affiliations but one listed as an independent conservative. Concluding that they all seemed to be of the same mindset in their writings, I will assume that I am pretty close to correct in my original presumption. So here I was, face to face with these "Independent or Republican Conservatives" who seemingly are protesting Ms. Crow's freedom of speech. Some of those comments that really toasted my marshmallows were
  • Isn't Crow the one who hates wasting t.p.?

  •  Someone unplug SHERYL's microphone, she's making my brain bleed......

  • oh sheryl. little do u know so stupid u do speak.
 So my mind began to question, what is it that I am missing? I read the article and I read mentioned at the bottom that yes, it was Sheryl who hates wasting T.P., but then... so do I!  Then I thought, as a radio show host, I happen to know that you cannot unplug my microphone but you can choose to change your channel or walk away. As for "stupid u do speak"... shall I point out the notion that even Forest Gump understood? "Stupid is as stupid does, sir." Can you not spell?   

For using her first amendment rights to build her capitalistic business, Sheryl Crow was bashed by Conservatives who maybe didn't realize the hypocrisy of their type, their words, their voices.  I hope that you all will remember that when you silence one voice, you are closer still to being silenced yourself. When you take one choice from a person you are one step closer to losing a choice yourself. When you feel the need to feed into the control and ego of the elite left, you are truly treading on me! Because we are all one people, one nation under God with inaleinable rights and one of those rights is a right to free speech. 
Remember please, that there were those on the left who, just because they didn't want Glenn Beck to rally this weekend, tried to stop him by shutting down, changing the rules, rewriting the laws regarding the place that he would be holding his rally. At one point I heard that "they" were filing petitions asking that no one would be able to ever again hold a rally at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial on 8/28. 

This is the extremism that comes from rage and irrational words and actions from the well-meaning right. Eventually the left will take your mistakes and take your rights with them.  Be careful, young conservatives, old Republicans and open independents alike. For as we forge our own destiny and we must be alert, law-abiding, constitution- citing and above all, we must be principled and true to the founding fathers' vision. 
Free speech is a God-given, inalienable right ... not just for you but for us all.

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