Saturday, February 27, 2010


So complex is the mind, so many are the choices that lead one to be who one ultimately is. Momentary choices - to love or hate; to have or covet; to give or take; to lead or follow; to judge…  Do we decide? Is it in our control? If it is our decision what would make us do what is hurtful? How could we
not see the damage to fragile hearts?   
I have experienced each of the choices listed above, as many of you have. When I was young, much of my time was spent entertaining the latter, more negative thoughts, emotions and ‘choices’.  Looking back, it is clear that I lived them with the same passion and gusto that I live life with now. I dove in head first to the shallow wonders that this glorious life had to offer and I indulged in the strength that came with that. Yes - strength did come with it.  However misplaced, I owned a misguided element of pride and antagonistic strength; a self preservation of which I was a master for reasons outside of my making.  (We’ll discuss that in our next psychology session J lol)
Also as clear, is the memory of the day that I chose to change that mindset. To change the way I interpret my surroundings, the people in my life, my actions and reactions - to reprogram my thinking and adapt to a better life. I could see as a young adult that to fit outside of the place I was leaving behind and to grow into a new world that I hoped to excel in, I would have to readjust and rebuild my view point.  
As I walk through this life of adulthood now, I bear witness still to many people who have tight-knit, warm families but are hateful and divisive; who have all the luxuries but cannot be satisfied; who give with disdain; who choose to follow and lead others astray… those who judge without knowing facts.  I’ve been known to tell others in attempt to ease their hurt, “It’s the human condition, is all”, but is it true?
Free will, intelligent thought, the sun, the flowers, the moon, the stars… all gifts. Is the human condition to ignore the beauty in life OR is it to cherish each good heart, relish a kind word, enjoy a small beauty and promote each fresh idea with passion and gusto?
Whether you decide it is condition or choice, I urge you all, my conservative friends, remember each other’s hearts even when you don’t see them on your neighbors sleeve.

Dedicated to my friend Kathleen. Thanks for your unfailing support.
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