Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why Scott Brown Won

In America, we have a number of congress people who are millionaires, we have a president who is a millionaire, we have a federal reserve bank that just boasted $46.1 billion in profits. At our beautiful and luxurious White House, extravagant and stylish dinner parties are hosted many times a month to enjoy and congratulate one another for accomplishments.  One can easily see why, from these heights of the economic pendulum, our Government
gives lip service to those involved in the current recession happening in homes they’ll never see, to people they’ll never meet ,who work at jobs they’ll never understand.  In words, they tell us what they will do to help, but in deed they continue to take more of  our rightfully earned incomes and validate this thievery by naming it “taxation”.
They take our money and use it for things that we cannot find paperwork on and there is no accountability required from them.  They make laws that are unconstitutional and attempt to force them upon the people who are busy building, struggling, and financing their elite lifestyles. They have been living this way for years and years and to think that it will simply stop because the people have come alive and are voicing their dismay is like living in la-la-land amongst them all. We have become their slaves and have enabled them to be masters. We smile and go about our business, turning over our money to them whenever they suggest it. We struggle to save, we do without, we work and pay and go on without a fight.
But now it is time, America. The tables must turn. The people must act!  I know I sound that battle cry often but until we are all active and out in the streets waking up our neighbors, meeting our candidates, offering up our time and giving up our money we will continue to be enslaved. It should be your choice to give to conservative groups and organizations that have a record of standing on principle and being active. This is where we are able to make the drastic difference this nation needs.  I cannot state enough times that every body is needed in this fight. In Houston we had more people (I think I read somewhere) at the April 15 Tea Party than showed up to vote at the mayoral elections. This is worse than lip service from our representatives, this is lip service from the People. This is more “entitlement” mentality. STOP depending on the other guy because to someone else YOU are the other guy! Get up, America – Get educated – Get vocal – Get active. Your country needs you more this year than ever before.
Join with the ladies of NOCW, join a 9/12 group, the U.S. Border Watch needs volunteers, The Tea Parties need leaders… the list goes on and on. There is a part that you will fit. Find where your passion lies and ask God’s guidance to get you to the right group. We are here to help at NOCW and I am happy to share what I know to help you find a group that fits your heart like a glove.  This is the year of the God’s Patriot Nation. Be a part of this exciting fight for your freedoms. 

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